The Classical Goddess takes you on a personal journey
It is wonderful to recognize oneself in the 7 Goddesses-Archetypes; Demeter, Hera, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hestia, Persephone and Athena. Maaike ter Haar uses these Archetypes to mirror herself and other women to understand yourself in a new light and to activate Archetypes that can be of help. It’s a way to rediscover yourself. To understand yourself in a new light is to feel enlightened. Each Goddess is an opportunity to grow within.
The main focus this time will be Goddess Hera and what we can learn from her. With Hera Maaike would like to explore the female body.. What can we learn from our body what does it tell us and do we dare to listen to it in our often busy lives..
Greek Mythology
Greek Mythology can help you to understand yourself in changing life phases. Who am I? What Goddess is dominant in my life and what Goddesses do I need in order to bloom. To make a new psychological self-portrait at times. To understand your family relations and the relationship with your partner. To find a better balance between working and caring is a real challenge in today’s society.
Are you an independent Artemis, a sensual Aphrodite or a spiritual Hestia? In whom do you recognize yourself and do you have a dominant Goddess? It is as to make a new self-portrait of yourself. What Goddess do I need in order to grow/bloom. This workshop helps you to reconnect with your inner self. It helps you to create your own bubble and to revalue your inner values and strengths.
The Classical Goddess helps women to recognize archetypes and to share experiences in order to inspire women in the life paths they create. Women like to mirror each other and this can be of great inspiration when we gather together.