Our program for the World Happiness Day on March 20th is diverse and brings together various shared aspects of happiness. Our timezone in Eindhoven is CET (Central European Time). To see the time difference with your area in the world have a look at the map at the bottom of this message.
First block part 1 (10 am till 11 am, CET): This block is dedicated first to the solstice, the equinox.
This event has been taped and can be reviewed again on YouTube:
Block 1: 10:00 till 12:00 CET https://youtu.be/olZwTcH_jKs Earthday, Equinox, etc
First block part 2 (11 am till 12 am, CET): Here we share our cocreation experiences and the values available for shared abundance. Participants will be mainly from Europe, Africa and (Far) East.
Second block (13:00 – 15:00, CET): Music was shared with us by artists directly and related to happiness and cocreation. Artists also send us personal messages or participate in the session. Music was shared that make people happy around the world.
This event has been taped and can be reviewed again on YouTube:
Block 2: 13:00 till 15:00 CET https://youtu.be/x7uBYkDHZTo Musical block
Third block, part 1 (16:00 – 17:00, CET): Earthbeat is a video challenge created by Youth 4 Planet. Young people are invited to talk about this challenge, their future and the importance of taking care of ourselves and our planetary environment.
Third block, part 2 (17:00 – 18:00, CET): Here we repeat our happiness co-creation experiences. This time with different participants in view of time zone variations. F.i. Mexico, South and North America, Canada, may join. We will look at what came about and also share ongoing and new co-creation projects in which anyone (person or institution) can participate.
This event has been taped and can be reviewed again on YouTube:
Block 3: 16:00 till 18:00 CET https://youtu.be/-Q37kLu3hZQ Earthbeat discussion, shared experiences