Main Events

Workshop Personal Storytelling
do 18 mrt
Lilya Terzieva & Margo Rooijackers Master Imagineering Programme, Breda University of Applied Sciences


Do you often question yourself on the following: What is the meaning behind things? What could be your mission in life? Who are you and what is it that you want out of life?

If so, then please be calm, all these are central questions that will be addressed in the workshop on Personal Storytelling.

Within only 75 minutes we shall take you on a life exploration journey where by means of the Cover Story method you will uncover and reflect on your core values, your individual needs & wants, and your existential choices. The workshop will help you feel refreshed and equipped with the necessary know-how on where to take the flow.


Aanvang: 10.00 - 11.15


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